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June 14th, 2006, 03:35 PM
Im in the same boat as you. I just bought a D70 and it came with almost the same exact len kit. Ive had lots of fun/luck witht he 70-300mm at my kids softball games. I got some great shots of the kids at the plate , running, fielding etc...
Back to your original question....I just bought a magazine this week by ShutterBug - Digital Photography How-To Guide. One of the articles is about choosing the next lens for your digital SLR. Well worth the price for us rookies :p
I need some serious help with my D50 equipment. I have no experience at all with SLR cameras, and have recently bought a bundle consisting of a Nikon D50 and a Nikon 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED AF-S Dxlens. Now I am interested in buying another lens (The Nikon 70-300mm f/4-5.6 AF Zoom Lens) in hope that these two lenses would suit my needs in amateur photography. I intend to photo landscapes, portraits and some ''macro'' (flowers and some insects). So, I would like to know if these lenses are an acceptable choice, having in mind that I can't afford to buy some expensive lenses, as my average monthly salary almost amounts to the price of these cheap ones. Thanks.
View Full Version : Approved 140 status changed
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March 28th, 2004, 11:28 PM
Here was my shot from this evening's game..
Staring off into space, Steve wonders about life, the future, and the outcome of the game.
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Hi Jerrome,
You should receive it in 3-4 days max. We got it in 2 days. Please ask them to recheck, or call USCIS 1-800 number or even better conduct INFOPASS where they can even resend the RFE to another address if necessary.
Generally how many days it takes to get the actual RFE in hand.
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common guys, at least there is a good news for EB2-I. please don't ruin it. be always positive instead of negative. :) I guess praying is better than doing infopass at this moment :)
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Just a suggestion I think if we involve US India Polical Action Committee(USINPAC) may be our effort to reach the law maker will be easier.
Members of the U.S. Senate India Caucus are as follows -
Senator Cornyn (R - TX) � Republican Co-Chair
Senator Clinton (D - NY) � Democratic Co-Chair
Senator Hutchison (R - TX)
Senator Lott (R - MS)
Senator Lautenberg (D - NJ)
Senator Santorum (R - PA)
Senator Lieberman (D - CT)
Senator Specter (R - PA)
Senator Daschle (D - SD)
Senator Stabenow (D - MI)
Senator Bingaman (D - NM)
Senator Cochran (R - MS)
Senator Frist (R - TN)
Senator Corzine (D - NJ)
Senator L. Graham (R - SC)
Senator Schumer (D - NY)
Senator Wyden (D - OR)
Senator Coleman (R - MN)
Senator Chambliss (R - GA)
Senator Bayh (D - IN)
Senator Durbin (D - IL)
Senator Breaux (D - LA)
Senator Crapo (R - ID)
Senator Levin (D - MI)
Senator Fitzgerald (R - IL)
Senator Grassley (R - IA)
Senator Bennett (R - UT)
Senator Boxer (D - CA)
Senator Nickles (R - OK)
Senator Stevens (R - AK)
Senator Mikulski (D - MD)
Senator Rockefeller (D - WV)
Senator Landrieu (D - LA)
Senator Hatch (R - UT)
Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
Members of Congressional India Caucus
108th Congress elected in November 2002
List updated as of June 18, 2004
112 Democrats, 74 Republicans, Total 186
Congressman Crowley (D-NY) - Democratic Co-Chair
Congressman Wilson, Joe (R-SC) - Republican Co-Chairman
Congressman Abercrombie (D- HI)
Congressman Ackerman (D-NY)
Congressman Andrews (D-NJ)
Congressman Baca (D- CA )
Congressman Baird (D- WA)
Congressman Barrett, J. Gresham (R-SC )
Congressman Beauprez (R-CO)
Congressman Becerra (D-CA)
Congressman Bell (D-TX)
Congresswoman Berkley (D-NV)
Congressman Berman (D-CA)
Congresswoman Biggert (R-IL)
Congressman Bilirakis (R-FL)
Congressman Bishop, Rob (R-UT)
Congressman Blumenauer ( D-OR)
Congressman Boucher (D-VA)
Congressman Brady, Kevin (R-TX)
Congresswoman Brown, Corrine (D-FL)
Congresswoman Brown, Henry (R-SC)
Congressman Brown, Sherrod (D-OH)
Congresswoman Brown-Waite, Ginny (R-FL)
Congressman Burgess (R-TX)
Congressman Burns (R-GA)
Congressman Calvert (R-CA)
Congressman Cannon (R-UT)
Congressman Cantor (R-VA)
Congresswoman Capps (D-CA)
Congressman Capuano (D-MA)
Congressman Cardoza (D-CA)
Congressman Carson, Brad (D-OK)
Congressman Chabot (R-OH)
Congressman Chandler (D- KY )
Congressman Cooper (D-TN)
Congressman Cox (R-CA)
Congresswoman Cubin (R-WY)
Congressman Davis, Danny (D-IL)
Congressman Davis, Jim (D-FL)
Congressman DeFazio (D-OR)
Congressman Delahunt (D-MA)
Congressman Deutsch (D-FL)
Congressman DeMint (R-SC)
Congressman Dicks (D-WA)
Congressman Doggett (D-TX)
Congressman Doyle (D-PA)
Congressman Duncan (D-TN)
Congresswoman Dunn (R-WA)
Congressman Ehlers (R- MI)
Congressman Engel (D-NY)
Congressman English (R- PA )
Congresswoman Eshoo (D-CA)
Congressman Evans (D-IL)
Congressman Faleomavaega (D-AS)
Congressman Feeney (R-FL)
Congressman Ferguson (R-NJ)
Congressman Filner (D-CA)
Congressman Foley (R-FL)
Congressman Forbes (R-VA)
Congressman Ford (D-TN)
Congressman Frank (D-MA)
Congressman Franks (R-AZ)
Congressman Frost (D-TX)
Congressman Garrett (R-NJ)
Congressman Gephardt (D-MO)
Congressman Gillmor (R-OH)
Congressman Gingrey (R-GA)
Congressman Goodlatte (R-VA)
Congressman Gordon (D-TN)
Congresswoman Granger (R-TX)
Congressman Green, Gene (D-TX)
Congressman Green, Mark (R-WI)
Congressman Greenwood (R-PA)
Congressman Gutierrez (D-IL)
Congressman Harris (R-FL)
Congressman Hastings (D-FL)
Congressman Hayworth (R-AZ)
Congressman Hensarling (R-TX)
Congressman Hoeffel (D-PA)
Congressman Holt (D-NJ)
Congresswoman Hooley (D-OR)
Congressman Honda (D-CA)
Congressman Hoyer (D-MD)
Congressman Inslee (D-WA)
Congressman Israel (D-NY)
Congresswoman Jackson-Lee (D-TX)
Congresswoman Johnson, Eddie Bernice (D-TX)
Congressman Jones (R-NC)
Congressman Kanjorski (D-PA)
Congresswoman Kaptur (D-OH)
Congresswoman Kelly (R-NY)
Congressman Kennedy, Patrick (D-RI)
Congressman Kildee (D-MI)
Congressman Kind (D-WI)
Congressman King, Peter (R-NY)
Congressman Kirk (R-IL)
Congressman Knollenberg (R-MI)
Congressman Kolbe (R-AZ)
Congressman Kucinich (D-OH)
Congressman LaHood (R-IL)
Congressman Lampson (D-TX)
Congressman Lantos (D-CA)
Congressman Larsen (D-WA)
Congressman LaTourette (R-OH)
Congresswoman Lee, Barbara (D-CA)
Congressman Levin (D-MI)
Congressman Lewis, Jerry (R-CA)
Congressman Lewis, John (D-GA)
Congressman Linder (R-GA)
Congressman Lobiondo (R-NJ)
Congressman Lofgren (D-CA)
Congresswoman Lowey (D-NY)
Congresswoman McCarthy, Carolyn (D-NY)
Congresswoman McCarthy, Karen (D-MO)
Congressman McCotter (R-MI)
Congressman McDermott (D-WA)
Congressman McIntyre (D-NC)
Congressman McNulty (D-NY)
Congressman Majette (D-GA)
Congresswoman Maloney (D-NY)
Congressman Manzullo (R-IL)
Congressman Matheson (D-UT)
Congressman Meehan (D-MA)
Congressman Meek (D-FL)
Congressman Meeks (D-NY)
Congressman Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
Congresswoman Millender-McDonald (D-CA)
Congressman Miller, Brad (D-NC)
Congressman Miller, Gary (R-CA)
Congresswoman Miller, Jeff (R-FL)
Congressman Mollohan (D-WV)
Congressman Moran, Jim (D-VA)
Congresswoman Myrick (R-NC)
Congresswoman Napolitano (D-CA)
Congressman Neal (D-MA)
Congressman Ney (R-OH)
Congressman Pallone (D-NJ)
Congressman Payne (D-NJ)
Congressman Pearce (R-NM)
Congressman Pickering (R-MS)
Congressman Pitts (R-PA)
Congressman Price (D-NC)
Congresswoman Pryce (R-OH)
Congressman Putnam (R-FL)
Congressman Radanovich (R-CA)
Congressman Rahall (D-WV)
Congressman Rangel (D-NY)
Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-FL)
Congressman Rothman (D-NJ)
Congressman Royce (R-CA)
Congressman Ryan, Tim (D-OH)
Congresswoman Sanchez, Linda (D-CA)
Congresswoman Sanchez, Loretta (D-CA)
Congressman Saxton (R-NJ)
Congresswoman Schakowsky (D-IL)
Congressman Schiff (D-CA)
Congressman Scott, Robert (D-VA)
Congressman Schrock (R-VA)
Congressmen Sessions (R-TX)
Congressman Sherman (D-CA)
Congressman Smith, Adam (D-WA)
Congresswoman Solis (D-CA)
Congressman Souder (R-IN)
Congressman Spratt (D-SC)
Congressman Stark (D-CA)
Congressman Stearns (R-FL)
Congressman Thompson, Mike (D-CA)
Congressman Tierney (D-MA)
Congressman Toomey (R-PA)
Congressman Towns (D-NY)
Congressman Turner, Michael (R-OH)
Congressman Udall, Mark (D-CO)
Congressman Udall, Tom (D-NM)
Congressman Upton (R-MI)
Congressman Van Hollen (D-MD)
Congressman Visclosky (D-IN)
Congressman Vitter (R-LA)
Congressman Walsh (R-NY)
Congresswoman Watson (D-CA)
Congressman Watt (D-NC)
Congressman Weiner (D-NY)
Congressman Weldon, Dave (R-FL)
Congressman Wexler (D-FL)
Congressman Whitfield (R-KY)
Congressman Wu (D-OR)
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My I-140/I-485 are pending. I had also applied for my EAD card which I received promptly. The EAD card will expire in October, 2008. You know, at least until the I-140 gets approved, I don't need the EAD card. Can I just let it expire and renew it when I need it? Or will it be a separate application when I try to renew an expired EAD.
If your renewal requires fees, I would not get it approved.
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Hello everyone,
Today 17th August, 2007 my I-485 packet was about to reach at Texas Service Center and unfortunately when I track my packet it shows �Notice Left� on USPS site, they mention they will try to deliver on Next business day. When I called at USPS , one lady picked up phone and she told it was PO Box no so we cant deliver. It is available to them to pick up but the man from USCIS might pick it up on early monday morning. Now I am worried does that mean my mailing date is Aug 17th or Aug 20th.
SO now USCIS will accept my application or not ?? Please advise ? Any body has same situation ?
Notice Left, August 17, 2007, 11:38 am, MESQUITE, TX 75185
Arrival at Unit, August 17, 2007, 11:01 am, MESQUITE, TX 75149
Acceptance, August 16, 2007, 10:09 pm, ATLANTA, GA 30320
If ur EB2 and PD older than Jan 01, 2004 probably you have chance to refile again. During this crunch time don't trust USPS/UPS. Always use fedex...
Hope for the best..
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What kind of RFE besides the letter from the OBG doctor?
if u go to the doc, they will perform the the tests that are ok to perform..
Check with doc if they will accept the test results (PAP , HIV , etc) from your obgyns office. These tests are already done during initial stages of pregnancy.
Finally the doc will add a note to the medical report that some tests/shots are omited due to pregnancy.
I went through same thing..
Will the case be accepted with this partial report-- It will be.
Will there be an RFE? -- i dont know.. may be
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hi ,
Here is my situation.
(employer) -> (middle vendor ) -> prime vendor -> (End client ).
I am working to a client in california in the above mentioned order. After 1 year we got rid of middle vendor and prime vendor is working with my employer directly . Now middle vendor is threatning me that he can sue me for breaking the line of contract .
i dont understand ho can even its possible as i never signed any document with middle vendor and he is not even my employer . He is just acting as middle layer by showing prime vendor that i am his employee which is wrong. now we removed him from line of contract and he is saying that he will sue all of us for doing this.
is there any way that he can even do this ?
- Thanks in advance.
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so we r in same boat. Mine recd date Oct 2nd 2006.
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They say that America is the land of opportunity, and therefore, so many people desire to Immigrate to this country.
Amid the news of an upcoming General Motors bankruptcy, the recession is not showing any signs of retreat. During these tough economic times, many institutions are trying to do their share to ease up the pain. US Citizenship and Immigration Services is not one of them. For USCIS this is business as usual.
When one applies for a US visa, whether it is for a Temporary work visa or for Permanent Residency, there is a fee charged for the processing of the application. These fees paid to the government range between $300 and $1365, depending on the type of application. While this is expensive, it is acceptable so long as it represents the actual costs of the service provided. Yet, there is a growing school of thought that USCIS currently charging fees way out of line with the actual costs.
The government should not be profiting from the fees it charges for its services. Permanent Resident and Temporary Visa applicants should not be used as cash machines for the American government. The government will already benefit from their tax dollars as they contribute to the economy. It is not right to ask immigrants to carry more than their share of the burden of paying for the general operation of government. Especially in this economic crisis.
When the government earns profits from application fees, this amounts to a form of extra taxation. Yet while other taxes in America have to be approved by Congress, visa application fees do not, making them a form of taxation without representation, and this goes against the basic principles of our democracy.
Asking individuals to cover the cost of their visa applications is fair. Using these applications to earn profits and not make any concessions in this recession is not. Immigrants are important contributors to the success of the American economy. They should be treated with respect, and not taken advantage of. We are all in this boat together.
My 2 cents.
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Ah - glad you found the answer. I was thinking that because ShowDialog is a modal dialog, it may be blocking any operations that are going on in the background. I failed to realize that OpenFileDialog does not have a non-modal Show method which displays the dialog without forcing it to have all of the app's attention.
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Guys, Suggest me a good consulting company. My employer is OK until now and he just started demanding money even for H1 extensions. I am seriously thinking of moving. Please suggest good desi consulting companies who can support my GC and keep min billing. I have a very good project in hand
Hi I am in 4th year of working with a cosulting company. Their response is little slow, but committed to what ever they say. Overall i like the present company.
It is Paradigm Infotech based in Maryland. If you want to check out take a number from the website and call them directly.
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I think Air India is the best for elderly people.
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I'm the first one to have the GC processed in my company. The process was started sometime in Dec 2006 and most likely my attorney would file PERM Labor in this week. Will USCIS consider auditing in my case as I'm the first one in my company? Any ideas? The company is like 2-3 years old. Please let me know your thoughts.
My employer is from California..which center it belongs to? Chicago or Atlanta?
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I have used AC21 to change jobs
I have a closing statement from my previous employer mentioning the exercisable options.
Here it goes:
Exercisable Options
Price $30
grant date 1/10/2007
Shares exercisable 400
total price =12000
Last date to exercise
However the market share value for the company now is 26.00
now my question is if I were to exercise before the last date will I be getting the total amount of $12000 or 26 x 400 = $10400 or the difference between the share values which is infact negative or nothing?
I find it difficult understand this financial terms. I dont understand clearly the term 'Exercisable options' Is there a hidden treasure am going to get?????
$30 per option price seems very high at the time they were offered unless they were trading around or higher than 30 at that time. Usually ESOP (Employee Stock Options) are offered at a lower end of the annual stock price fluctuations - e.g. if a company is already public with stock trading for the year highs at 50 at year low was say 20 at any point during that year then employees get it at 20. something like this. If a company is pre-IPO, the options are offered at a much cheaper price of a 1c to 10c per option.
You should be able to place a call to your HR and they would be able to explain any questions you have. If the value is negative, no point exercising options now.
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07-10 09:23 PM
Ask him to request I-140 premium processing; I think he is eligible. He will get the approval/denial in 15 days. D&vgnextchannel=68439c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD
since he can get H1 extension based on PD >356 days I dont think he is eligible (per that doc PP is only being opened up for people whose PD <365 days and approved-I-140 is the only way to get an extension)
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Southern Blonde:
Anybody having experienced RFE after rfe.
I responded to a very simple rfe (asked to provide approval of form I-612) and after that online staus is 'response recd--case being processed ...blah..blah. Should it be a done deal? Pl, share your thoughts
Not sure if I should be happy that there are lots of people in the same boat as me or be worried.
Anyways swen I take an appointment to go to the local INS office, is it ok if I go alone or does my wife need to come along as well?
its not very wise to be traveling with so much cash. Why not use traveler cheques or do money transfer?
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